Hazardous Waste Days open to Bergen County, NJ Residents Only
Most photo chemicals are considered hazardous waste so this is a great opportunity to safely dispose of what you are no longer using. This event is open to Bergen County, New Jersey residents only with photo ID. The following items are no accepted so please do not bring computers, electronics, batteries (only car and rechargeable accepted), or tires to these collections. If you have questions please call the Bergen County Hazardous Waste Hotline 201-807-5825. Information for other New Jersey Counties can be found at the NJ Hazardous Waste Coordinators website. Businesses must pre-register before the collection day by calling 201-807-8696 to make arrangements. Depending on the level of Covid restrictions wait times on drop off days may be a bit longer.
Here’s the Winter Wildlife Photography tips presentation from out Saturday Focus Session – Winter Photography Tips + Winter Bird Photography update. To view the entire webinar not just the birding tips please visit the Bergen County Camera Summit replays section. To be alerted to future webinars be sure to sign up for our emails or text messages. First time subscribers to email or text updates receive $10 off their next $20 purchase. Not valid on gift cards – one offer per purchase.
We hope you can join us for our next photography assignment. You can learn about all the details of our assignment by watching the video below. Read on if you are just looking for details on how to add your submission.
Nikon and Bergen County Camera a happy to present “Using Photography to Protect Wildlife through Storytelling”
“This presentation will illustrate how images can be your best tool in telling stories that will engage and inspire people to protect and preserve our world’s wildlife for future generations. From the swamps of Botswana to the mountains of Mexico, to your local zoo, I will use images to take you on a journey that will fill your mind with some of the wonders that are the beauty of our natural world while also explaining how I captured them!”
This will be a live only presentation with no replay available.
We hope you can join us for this event.
All about Ron Magill
Ron Magill
Zoo Communications and Media Relations Director
Zoo Miami/Nikon Ambassador USA
Born February 28, 1960 in New York City
Married with two children
Ron has worked with wildlife for over 40 years. He is the host of HITN’s national wildlife documentary program, “Mundo Salvaje con Ron Magill.” As Zoo Miami’s “Goodwill Ambassador”, he has made frequent television appearances on many programs including, “National Geographic Explorer”, the Discovery Networks, the “Today Show”, “Good Morning America”, “The Late Show ”, “CBS’ This Morning”, “Dateline” and “CNN” as well as on Spanish networks Univision and Telemundo. In addition, he has written and produced many wildlife articles and award-winning photographs that have appeared in publications and galleries around the world. He has traveled extensively throughout Africa, Asia and Tropical America while developing and directing conservation projects and Emmy-Award winning documentaries focusing on the wildlife of those regions.
Other than Zoo Miami and the Zoo Miami Foundation, Ron has worked with several children’s charities with a special dedication to the Make-a-Wish Foundation where he helps to grant wishes for children facing life-threatening diseases. In addition, he is a regular speaker at schools and civic organizations throughout South Florida in hopes of inspiring our youth to follow their dreams while showing them the importance of protecting our world’s wildlife for generations to come.
Ron’s proudest professional accomplishment is the establishment of the “Ron Magill Conservation Endowment” at the Zoo Miami Foundation. This endowment is the largest of its kind at the zoo and provides tens of thousands of dollars annually to wildlife conservation by providing annual scholarships as well as supporting field conservation projects designed to protect wildlife in the wild areas where it is naturally found.
Intentional Camera Movement Assignment – For a look at the instructions used for this assignment you can watch this video
Our latest assignment is Shadows and Silhouettes and is due on December 28th at 5pm. If you would like to participate, please email your image (minimum 1920×1080 pixel) to focus@bergencountycamera.com Please send only your ONE best image. We will have full review live on January 8th, 2022. Sign up here. When signing up please be sure you are not blocking cookies as this will block the 3rd party registration process.
We hope you enjoy browsing through the submissions from our Intentional Camera Movement Assignment. Special thanks to everyone that joined us!
The Spotted Lanternfly is a non-native insect that poses a threat to nearly 70 native trees, crops and plants. New Jersey Department of Agriculture has a program called “Join the Battle, Beat the Bug! — Stomp it Out!”
Since the Spotted Lanternfly is not know to everyone yet, it is important to become familiar. The photo below can innocently be a cool bug on a sunflower. Once you learn the facts, you will instantly take the appropriate action. As photographers, many of us our out in the field giving us the opportunity to help by stomping, reporting and checking before leaving an area. Spotted Lanternfly are great hitchhikers so check your camera bags and vehicles before leaving an area.
The State of New Jersey Department of Agriculture has full microsite on the Spotted Lanternfly. This page is great for learning, identifying, reporting in areas of concern and instructions about what do do when you see one. You don’t need to report in Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Salem, Somerset, or Warren counties as they are already known as a quarantine county. This is just one way as photographers we can help protect our local environment.
To report directly to the New Jersey Department of Agriculture use this form. It is not necessary to file a report in Burlington, Camden, Gloucester, Hunterdon, Mercer, Salem, Somerset, or Warren counties.
Not in New Jersey a quick search will show information for your state.
Paul joined us on a recent Saturday Focus Session to discuss photographing New York City in winter. You can watch it here
Why NYC? Why Sunday?
I have often asked myself the same question. The simple, albeit, un-romantic answer, is parking. On Sunday every neighborhood is open to carefree parking. Pick a part of town you are looking to survey and pull into a spot. Careful though, the red, “No Parking Anytime” signs, never changes, even on Sunday.
You’re asking, there must be more to it. Well of course you are correct. Sunday in NYC is all about the locals. The old timers and the young guns. The people who actually live in “the Village”, SOHO, Nolita, Little Italy and the now “Little Paris”. They have their favorite coffee shops, breakfast joints and newspaper stands. Some go to church, and everyone does Sunday brunch. Capturing an image at this time is more intimate and subtle.
Then it’s time to enjoy the best of both worlds. After I’ve had my espresso at Cafetal I walk a bit and grab an image or two. Then it’s over to see Claire at Fanelli’s. One of the oldest bars in New York City. I’II have a “bloody” and maybe some salmon. Might finish up with a double “E” and “B” (if you take my class, I’ll reveal the secret ingredients)
If you are in the zone and want to stay after class it’s about 1PM and it’s time to really get into the groove. It’s tourist time. The streets are crowded. The language is international and the images are there for the taking. A more carefree style of capture. The interactions are friendly, but respectful.
If you always wanted to try, as a photographer, to bring your talent to the street, why not tag along and let me share with you some of the fun I’ve been having for years. We will share ideas and talk about the day, the equipment and most of all the people. And when all is done you will be coming back for more.
My name is Paul Nicholas Florio. Some call me skweegee. I’m a photographer by passion… and an actor by chance.
A pre class takes place on the Saturday Prior at Bergen County Camera at 10am. At this pre class we’ll talk about our plans ang give you the exact meetup location.
The meetup takes place in Greenwich Village in New York City at 10 am sharp. The day lasts from 10 am – 1 pm, longer if you are in the groove.
A post class takes place on the Saturday after the meetup at 11:30 am at Bergen County Camera.
Must be 21 years or older to attend. Event rain or shine.
The date prior to the event date is the pre-class held at Bergen County Camera at 11 am. Exact details of the meetup will be distributed at the pre-class. The following Saturday the post-class review takes place at Bergen County Camera at 11:30 am. Full details – dates – times provide after registration. Refunds will be granted with advance notice and certainly if severe weather forces cancellation of the event.
Hank Gans will present some amazing image from Maine – Tuscany – New York along with his strong support of the Micro 4/3rd system at this week’s Focus Session: Landscapes. We hope you can join us for this free webinar this Saturday October 2nd at 9:30 am.
Multi-award winning professional photographer/photo-educator Hank Gans, who began his career five decades ago, will reveal secrets behind his memorable images. He’ll discuss how his move to Micro 4/3 format cameras advanced his on-location photography AND his propensity for making very large prints for his worldwide clients and exhibitions.