Summer Assignment: Take a Photo That Works as a Postcard!

We’re pleased to announce our latest photo assignment, “Take a Photo that works as a Postcard”. As you travel this summer, take an image that sells your audience on a location. Be creative! This can be taken during a vacation or in your own neighborhood. If you missed the presentation, check out the details below!

Summer Assignment: Take a Photo That Works as a Postcard!


  1. Image must be taken between 06/21/24 and 08/23/34
  2. Image must be submitted by noon on 08/23/24
  3. Submitted file should be at 2400 pixels wide at it’s longest side.
  4. Email submissions to

The assignment review will be held in the store on Saturday, August 24th at 9:30am. We hope you can join us.

We hope you participate in this assignment. If you have any questions, please email them to As always, be creative, think outside the box, and have fun! We can’t wait to see your images!

Winter Photo Assignment: Looking Up & Looking Down

Announcing our latest winter photo assignment, Looking Up & Looking Down! If you missed this past Saturday, check out the details below!

Watch our winter photo assignment webinar on demand.


  • -The photo must be taken looking up or looking down, simple enough. We don’t want to see any horizon lines or full blown landscapes.
  • -Images must be taken between February 10th and March 15th of 2024.
  • -You may either submit one image looking up or looking down, OR one of each – one looking up and another looking down.
  • -Your image(s) are due Friday, March 15th by 12:00pm (noon). Please email submissions to
  • -Please have your images sized no smaller than 2000 pixel wide/tall in JPEG format

The review session will be held in-store on Saturday, March 16th at 9:30am. Doors open at 9:00 for coffee! As with all of our past Focus Session Assignments, this is a chance to get creative and try new things. We’re not grading you, so have have fun with it. We can’t wait to see what you capture!

Here are some example to get the creative juices flowing. Again, we want you to be creative, so don’t feel the need to replicate any of the following. Just use them as a guide!

Focus Session: Analog Photographers in a Digital World

The Who, What, Why and How of “slow” photography

A visit with Mel Evans, Jim Fitzgerald, Marty Frank, Phil Mc Auliffe and Rob Tucher of the Monalogue Collective and Tom Gramegna, Gallery 270 Director. 

Bergen County Camera’s Focus Sessions begin Saturday mornings at 9:30 AM, doors open at 9 AM. The artists will speak in greater depth about their process and motivations for choosing to work only in B+W, only using film, and don’t employ any digital process in any aspect of their process! 

Showcasing an amazing variety of vintage/traditional processes such as platinum/palladium, silver gelatin and carbon transfer prints, the artists will speak in greater depth about their process and motivations for choosing to work in “slow” photography.

The show opens tonight and the public is invited to the gala opening, we’re expecting seven of the nine artists whose work is on display in Gallery 270 to attend. It happens this Thursday 11/2/23 from 7-9PM with refreshments and snacks and the show runs through 1/31/24. 

Join us for an exciting exploration of the work of some of the photographers from the Monalog Collective, a group of like-minded stalwart artists who choose to work in “slow” processes of monochrome film photography to express their vision. We’ll discuss their one of a kind works as displayed in the 2023 -2024 iteration of the show The 21st Century Handmade Print. 

Watch Jim’s PBS interview here

Advanced Exposure presented by Canon Webinar

March 25, 2023 – 9:30 am EST

Free Registration

Advanced Exposure Techniques with Canon – Intermediate Level

Enter the world of EOS and gain an advanced understanding of exposure. We will help you learn more about how your camera sees light and how that information is conveyed to you. Learn how to take advantage of that information to make intelligent exposure decisions. You will see many examples of great photography and learn techniques to improve how you use your camera as a creative tool.

During this class you will:

· Review the various methods your camera uses to meter your environment and leverage your camera’s light meter to take full control of your exposure.

· Understand what the histogram is really telling you, what affects its profile and how to use that information to properly expose your photo.

· Learn what “Expose To The Right”, or ETTR really means and how best to take advantage of it for your landscape, architecture, macro or product photography.

About our presenter Peter Lee

Peter has over a decade of experience working with Canon’s printers and imaging products before he joined the camera product educator team in 2013. As a Canon technical representative, he is a passionate teacher and enjoys interacting with everyone from full time professionals to beginners. He enjoys various genres of photography including: architecture, aerospace, landscape, portraiture, macro and sports.

Landscape Basics with Canon Webinar

Landscape Basics with Canon Webinar

Saturday September 24 at 9:30 am – Live only no replays

Free Registration

Landscape Basics: This class takes a look at Landscape Photography from a slightly different perspective. Gear, Lenses, and Filters are discussed before breaking into ideas such as capturing details, long exposure, adding people, times to shoot, black and white, and getting creative. We even discuss Lightpainting landscapes. The class closes with presentation ideas to make your images live on.
This class is for everyone, regardless of skill level, camera brand or type.

About Jeff Leimbach

Jeff Leimbach

Jeff is a professional photographer, graphic designer, Canon Product Educator, and KelbyOne Instructor. As an architectural photographer, Jeff photographs approximately 20 buildings and spaces a year throughout the US.

He has served as moderator for Photoshop World, Photoshop Seminar Tour for KelbyOne, and the Canon in Action Tour for Canon Live Learning. Other workshop experience includes staff instructor for Moose Peterson’s Digital Landscape Workshops and owner of The Digital Photo Workshops.


Free Registration

Online Focus Session – Sports, Summer Birding & Used Equipment

Online Webinar Saturday August 13, 2022

Join us for a 3-part online Focus Session. Well discuss the following:

Bob Gramegna – Used Equipment Update
Matt Malwitz – Summer Birding Update
John Currens – Summer Sports Photography
Plus your Questions

Free Registration

New Photo Assignment: Water

Photo Assignment: Water Details of the assignment and discussion during our online webinar. We hope you join the fun.

Experience Level: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced.

Due Date: Images emailed to by July 15th. Be sure to include you name and brief description of image

Follow the instructions, get your shot and submit to our email. We’ll have a online Focus Session on July 23rd to review and discuss all the submissions. Sign up for the July 23 review webinar – 9:30 am

Watch the Assignment Webinar and learn about the assignment

Assignment instructions handout

As always we are here to help with any questions you have about your photography.

Special thanks to Matt Malwitz for sharing the “water” images below.

Rushing water over boulders
Black skimmer on water
Cascading waterfall

Chasing Light Webinar – Online Saturday Focus Session

Chasing Light Webinar - learn how to choose the right lens for the task at hand

Chasing Light Webinar – Saturday April 9th at 9:30am

Chasing Light Webinar – Join us Saturday April 9, at 9:30 a.m. for a one hour webinar presented by Sigma’s Marc Farb.

Learn how to choose the right lens for the task at hand. Join photographer and Sigma tech rep, Marc Farb for a lesson on going past the kit lens and picking the next lens to make more impactful images. He will explain depth of field, bokeh and how to get the most out of your tools to make great images.

Signup on our Bergen County Camera Summit for this free webinar.

Dr Kim Sloan – Wildlife and Nature Photography Webinar

Dr Kim Sloan’s previous session brought rave reviews will be back again to show his amazing Nature and Wildlife images. This talk will appeal to any nature lover or photographer alike.

Join us for this free webinar on Saturday March 19th at 9:30 am

Free Registration

During this talk he will weave his experience moving completely from DSLR equipment and workflow to mirrorless. We hope you can join us.

Dr Kim Sloan - Elk
Dr Kim Sloan – Big Kahuna
Dr Kim Sloan - Sunset
Dr Kim Sloan – Sunset

More about Dr. Kim Sloan

Kim Sloan has been involved with photography since 1963. He started in photography using an Olympus Pen E camera. This was a range finder camera, with a 35mm attached lens. Since then he has used 35mm SLR, medium format cameras, all of which were film cameras. The manufacturers included Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Minolta, and Leica.

He has gone strictly digital over the past 12 years. He has extensive experience with Nikon, Sony, and Canon systems.

His photography usually involves nature, either animal, landscape or astrophotography. He has traveled extensively, and will present pictures from Africa as well as many national parks in the United States or Canada.

Focus Session: Landscapes

Hank Gans will present some amazing image from Maine – Tuscany – New York along with his strong support of the Micro 4/3rd system at this week’s Focus Session: Landscapes. We hope you can join us for this free webinar this Saturday October 2nd at 9:30 am.

Multi-award winning professional photographer/photo-educator Hank Gans, who began his career five decades ago, will reveal secrets behind his memorable images. He’ll discuss how his move to Micro 4/3 format cameras advanced his on-location photography AND his propensity for making very large prints for his worldwide clients and exhibitions.

View our website here.

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