Photograph the Band – November 30th – Event Sponsored by Sony – Plus Chance to Win an A7RII

Join Bergen County Camera and Sony at the Cornerstone in Hillsdale, NJ for a private concert photography event. Learn how to shoot photos of a live band while you enjoy the music. Arrive at 6:30pm to pick up your backstage pass so you can enter our private room. Sony will have the latest cameras and lenses for you to try out during the night. Sean McNally and Company will perform a 2 hour set with plenty of time to get the perfect shot! Enjoy some light refreshments and a fun evening filled with music and photography!

Each attendee will receive a gift card for $100 off the purchase of a Sony DSLR or lens purchase of $500 or more.

 One lucky attendee will win a Sony A7R II – a $2900 value!

Free to attend – Limited space available – Registration required

Must be 21 or older to attend this event.

To register, please click here.

Upcoming Photography Classes – November

Here are Bergen County Camera’s upcoming classes for this November:

Tickets may be purchased online, or in store.  

Lightroom 1 – November 8th – $50 – Learn the basics of Lightroom and get started creating a workflow. This course will cover organizing and importing in the Library module as well as keywords and collections.

Basic Digital Photography – November 14th – $50 – Join BCC’s John Tworsky and Paul Carretta for a 2 hour introduction to Digital Photography. This class is designed to provide the basics of digital photography regardless of the type of digital camera you are shooting or even if you are looking to buy your first. Topics to be covered include basic camera operation, batteries, storage media, card readers, choosing a resolution, compression, limitations and advantages of digital photography, making prints & enlargements, and storing & archiving images. Of course there will be plenty of time for questions at the end of the presentation.

Intermediate Digital Photography – November 15th – $50 – Join BCC’s John Tworsky and Paul Carretta for a 2 hour continuation of Basic Digital Photography. This class is designed to provide the next step in your digital photography learning. Topics to be covered include exposure (f-stops, shutter speeds, ISO), using shutter speeds to control motion, using f-stops to control depth of field, and ISO to control sensor sensitivity. We’ll talk about composition, tripods, monopods, self timers, keeping your images safe and more. Suggested Pre-requisite: Basic Digital Photography. Of course there will be plenty of time for questions at the end of the presentation. Course handouts include test your knowledge assignments, basic class reminders, special offers, computer tips and helpful programs.

Basic Photoshop – November 28th – $50 – Join BCC’s John Tworsky for a two-hour class introducing Adobe Photoshop. This course is for first time and beginner Photoshop & Element users and will cover computer & program requirements, acquiring images, image formats, storage considerations and a basic overview of the capabilities of Photoshop. Examples include opening images, rotating, preparing images for email, preparing images for printing, image adjustments (brightness, contrast & color), fixing crooked images & scans and printing multiple images on a single sheet of paper. Although this class is presented on a PC, all information will carry over to the Mac.

Eventbrite - Bergen County Camera Classes 2017

Free Saturday Focus Sessions – November

Focus sessions are Free and take place in our store from 9:30 am – 10:15 am. Focus Sessions are mini classes and discussions and classes about photography. All sessions will allow for questions and answers. Please bring your camera and any images along that you have questions about. Please share your thoughts for future focus sessions in the comment box below.

No RSVP necessary – Free for everyone – Please bring a friend!

Hit the “Like Button” to let your friends know. Have suggestions for future focus sessions? Feel free to leave a comment.

Here’s our upcoming Focus Sessions:

October 28th – Halloween Photography

November 4th – Lakota Wolf Trip Review

November 11th – Salute to Veterans Day

November 18th – Ellis Island Trip Review

November 25th – No Focus Session

December 2nd – Photo Expo Saturday – Early Bird Specials


These are free events – bring a friend along if you’d like.

Share with your friends on Facebook – Click the Like button below.

Hope you can join us!

Meeting Baron Wolman

Meeting Baron Wolman by Tom Gramegna
About 20 years ago, I was reading through a copy of “B&W Magazine” and I came upon this compelling photograph that I had seen many times before. I did not know that it was done by Baron Wolman, first chief photographer, and at the time it was taken, actually part owner of Rolling Stone Magazine. 

There was a phone number below, seeking gallery representation. Since this was the definitive photograph of one of my musical heroes,  there was no choice for me, I had to call that number. As someone who grew up so entranced with the music and culture of that time, it was an opportunity to connect someone who experienced this magical moment in history up close. Strangely enough and to my delight, Baron actually answered his own phone. We spoke an hour or two, and  became instant friends on the phone. Baron sent me a copy of his book Classic Rock and other Rollers inscribed “this can be big fun”.

In the twenty or so years of our friendship and professional relationship, that’s the premise upon which all the adventures we’ve embarked on have been planned! And this latest show celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Rolling Stone Magazine is the latest iteration in the mixture of fun and business that we’ve instigated for just about two decades. We’re so looking forward to having fun with all of you and our buddy Baron as we travel back to that period in time that still resonates with so many.

The best photographs go further than just showing the literal. They capture a spirit, an essence, and something of the person’s real character shines through. Baron’s photographs still have such power and magic so many years after they were taken, because they document a very special and innocent time before  rock and roll became big business. Luckily for all of us, Baron lived in the city at the center  of  the music culture that captivated the world in the late sixties, San Francisco. His neighbors were Janis and Big Brother, Jimi Hendrix, The Grateful Dead, and Jefferson Airplane. He had their trust since he was “one of the tribe”. Baron’s photos of Janis Joplin are so poignant because they give a glimpse into the little girl inside the tortured soul with the great potential  for joy that she unfortunately experienced so little of.

I believe the essence and power of photography lies in its humanity. It’s the humanity of the person or events  depicted and also very much the humanity of the person behind the camera. In my many years of dealing with Baron in the placement of many hundreds of his photographs in homes, collections and museums all over the world, the power of his humanity, endless  creativity and the generosity of his spirit overrides all other thoughts  of the wonderful man who is Baron Wolman. Further evidence of just his latest bout of creativity will be on display at Gallery 270 in the form of his current collaboration with fine artist Sophie Kipner and her unique Blind Line Contouring. Moved by the images Baron created, Sophie’s unique creative process results in one of a kind works on canvas which are paired with the original photographs they were inspired by. 

Please join us to welcome Baron Wolman for his solo exhibition Baron Wolman: Rolling Stone Magazine Fifty Years Down the Line, opening on Thursday November 2nd from 7-9PM in Westwood. We’ll celebrate the 50th anniversary of Rolling Stone Magazine and the photographs of its first chief photographer that were its graphic centerpiece. Refreshments served, all are welcome, admission is free. 

October 7th – Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk

Join us for our Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk on October 7th at 9:30.

You can register for the photowalk here.

Our group will gather at Bergen County Camera before we head out on our walk.  Abby Passman, from BCC, and Jared Powers, from Canon USA, will lead the walk. We will explore downtown Westwood with it’s shops and window displays as we make our way down to Veteran’s Park.  Here we will take some time to photograph the beautiful park setting with a grand bandstand, old tree with carvings and many other treasures to discover. The group will then head back to Bergen County Camera for lunch and a photo contest.  Canon USA will provide lunch for all attendees while we print out a 5×7 print of your favorite shot.  The prints will then be judged by Jared and one person from BCC.  We will award some great prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place! The prints will remain on display at Bergen County Camera through the following week.  Come join a great group of photo enthusiasts and pick up some new tips to enhance your photography!

Some info on Jared Powers from Canon

“Jared gained a solid background in documentary photography while in Melbourne, Australia before going on to photographmusicians around the globe. Before moving to New York, he was the Chief Photographer for a major cruise line handling Pacific and Caribbean routes. Upon landing in the Big Apple, he began managing photographic retail operations and training photographers for high profile clients, such as the NY Yankees, NY Mets or the U.S. Open venues to name a few. When not out training on new Canon products, you can find him behind the lens most likely in some hidden corner of a city, deserted road or forest.”

Upcoming Photography Classes – October

Here are Bergen County Camera’s upcoming classes for this October:

Tickets may be purchased online, or in store.  
Basic Photoshop – October 2nd – $50 – Join BCC’s John Tworsky for a two-hour class introducing Adobe Photoshop. This course is for first time and beginner Photoshop & Element users and will cover computer & program requirements, acquiring images, image formats, storage considerations and a basic overview of the capabilities of Photoshop. Examples include opening images, rotating, preparing images for email, preparing images for printing, image adjustments (brightness, contrast & color), fixing crooked images & scans and printing multiple images on a single sheet of paper. Although this class is presented on a PC, all information will carry over to the Mac. 
Lightroom 1 – October 17th – $50 – Learn the basics of Lightroom and get started creating a workflow. This course will cover organizing and importing in the Library module as well as keywords and collections.
Basic Digital Photography – October 24th – $50 – Join BCC’s John Tworsky and Paul Carretta for a 2 hour introduction to Digital Photography. This class is designed to provide the basics of digital photography regardless of the type of digital camera you are shooting or even if you are looking to buy your first. Topics to be covered include basic camera operation, batteries, storage media, card readers, choosing a resolution, compression, limitations and advantages of digital photography, making prints & enlargements, and storing & archiving images. Of course there will be plenty of time for questions at the end of the presentation.
Intermediate Digital Photography – October 25th – $50 – Join BCC’s John Tworsky and Paul Carretta for a 2 hour continuation of Basic Digital Photography. This class is designed to provide the next step in your digital photography learning. Topics to be covered include exposure (f-stops, shutter speeds, ISO), using shutter speeds to control motion, using f-stops to control depth of field, and ISO to control sensor sensitivity. We’ll talk about composition, tripods, monopods, self timers, keeping your images safe and more. Suggested Pre-requisite: Basic Digital Photography. Of course there will be plenty of time for questions at the end of the presentation. Course handouts include test your knowledge assignments, basic class reminders, special offers, computer tips and helpful programs.


Eventbrite - Bergen County Camera Classes 2017

Free Saturday Focus Sessions – October

Focus sessions are Free and take place in our store from 9:30 am – 10:15 am. Focus Sessions are mini classes and discussions and classes about photography. All sessions will allow for questions and answers. Please bring your camera and any images along that you have questions about. Please share your thoughts for future focus sessions in the comment box below. No RSVP – Free for everyone – Please bring a friend!

Hit the “Like Button” to let your friends know. Have suggestions for future focus sessions? Feel free to leave a comment.

Here’s our upcoming Focus Sessions:

September 23rd – Mirrorless Camera Panel Discussion (featuring Sony, Fuji, Panasonic & Leica)

September 30th – Potpourri – Mini Lessons

October 7th – Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk (details to follow)

October 14th – Photo Assignment Review

October 21st – Rushing Stones & Tumbling Water featuring Alan Schwab

October 28th – Halloween Photography


These are free events – bring a friend along if you’d like. Share with your friends on Facebook – Click the Like button below. Hope you can join us!

Lakota Wolf Preserve Trip : October 8th

Out most popular trip is coming around again.

Join Bergen County Camera and Tamron on October 8th, 2017 as we return to the Lakota Wolf Preserve.

At Lakota Wolf Preserve, you will be greeted with numerous opportunities to get unobstructed pictures of the wolves in their natural settings. Since you will be photographing the wolves where they live, in a stress free environment, you will get the best possible photo opportunities. Come as close as 3-4 feet to the wolves during our private photography session.  We will end our morning at the Brook Hollow Winery for a wrap up session and complimentary wine tasting.

There will be a pre-trip evening lecture on Wildlife Photography at Lakota Wolf in our Westwood store, on October 5th 2017 from 7-8pm. The lecture will cover the layout and rules of Lakota, what to expect, what lenses are best suited, and how to get that great shot! The lecture will be presented by Tamron.


This trip is limited to 30 people so be sure to reserve early.

Tickets can be purchased below.


Eventbrite - Bergen County Camera Trips and Meetups 2017

Sunset Sunflower Photography Tour Meetup  – Sept 9th

Join Bergen County Camera for a meet-up trip to Donaldson Farms in Hackettstown, NJ for their Sunset Sunflower Photography tour. Rick Gerrity of Panasonic will guide us as we enjoy the highly sought after “golden hour” in the 25+ acres of Black Oil Sunflower fields. You’ll enjoy a hayride farm tour of the 500+ acre family owned and operated working produce farm with sprawling views of farmlands and long range mountain vistas.

Photo: Rick Gerrity

BCC staff will meet at The Farm Market at Donaldson Farms located at 358 Allen Rd, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 at 5:00pm on Saturday, September 9th. Our tour will begin at 5:30pm sharp. Water and a healthy snack will be provided for our tour.  Feel free to come early and stop in the Farm Market if you’d like to make any purchases before our tour. We’ll stop throughout the evening for you to capture your very best shots with the helpful instruction of professional photographer Rick Gerrity. You’ll learn how to adjust your camera for lighting and effect and go home with some amazing shots! BCC’s personnel will also be on hand to answer questions and help with your photography.

In the event of rain, a decision will be made on Saturday morning. The rain date for this trip is Sunday, September 10th.  All registered attendees will be notified on Saturday morning if the trip will be postponed. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by an adult.

Tickets are $35.00 each.

Register Now Read more

National Park Lifetime Passes

Do you love to take pictures at National Parks? 

Did you know that if you’re aged 62 or older you’re eligible to receive a senior pass at only $10? Once known as the Golden Age Passport, it is a lifetime pass valid for entrance to over 2,000 federal recreation sites including national parks, monuments, historic sites, recreation areas, and national wildlife refuges which normally charge entrance fees. Pass holders that are driving into areas with entrance fees can also bring in traveling guests with them for free. At some areas, the pass even includes 50 percent discounts on camping, boat launching, etc. On August 28th, this pass’s cost is increasing 700 percent to $80.00. The price has been at $10.00 since 1994. The new $80.00 price tag will now be of equal price to that of a years pass for one person aged below 62. These passes can be purchased at locations in person as well as online at