It’s no secret that for most of us, the holiday season is the one and only time we mail out personalized greeting to friends and family members each year. And since we only do this once – we say ‘do it right’ and take the time to create the nicest, most meaningful greeting that you can send.
Use these tips and suggestions for a killer holiday card:
- Invest in having a professional photography taken of your family, kids, or pets. Trust us, you’ll appreciate having that image in 10 years.
- If you’re sending cards on a budget, plan a time to get a great shot with your mobile phone camera. Add a subtle overall filter or lighting enhancement to give everyone a fresh look. If that fails, a well done selfie can work.
- Splurge a little on the card style. Try a uniquely shaped die-cut card, folded card design or upgrade to press printed card stock. Your card is sure t stand out with and of these options.
- Order an extra 6-12 cards for the unexpected. You never know who you’ll receive cards from and it’s always a nice gesture to return the hello with a card of your own.
Locally Crafted and Printed At Bergen County Camera
Our creative team follows your order from the moment it arrives at our location. We don’t outsource this process and take care in producing the finest results. Each and every order is quality checked before it reaches your hands.
Choose from a wide variety of exceptionally designed greeting cards with themes that are easily customized with your favorite photo(s) and sentiments. Need some design expertise? We’re happy to co-create with you!
We’re offering 25% off all greeting card orders until November 26th, so don’t delay!
You can start your design here.