Thanksgiving Card Contest Entries Gallery

Visit the complete gallery of entries into this year’s Thanksgiving Card Contest. Thanks again to everyone who participated in this year’s contest. We certainly had a tough job choosing a winner from all the great entries. All entry fees were donated to Table to Table of Englewood Cliffs – “delivering food to those who need it the most.” This years contest was won by Jim Nooney.


Thanksgiving Card Contest Winner 2008

Thanks to everyone who entered our 2008 Thanksgiving Card Contest. This year’s winner is Don Parenta who received a grand prize package valued at over $1,200 including a Leica V-LUX 1 digital camera. Special thanks to Leica camera for providing us with the V-Lux 1.

Don Parenta - Winning Image
Don Parenta - Winning Image

Don was chosen from the 84 entries we received for this year’s contest. Tom Gramegna remarked “the quality of this year’s entries was exceptional making judging difficult”. Tom reminds everyone to mark their calendars for our 2009 Thanksgiving Card Photo Contest. This year all entry fees benefited Table to Table a local charity based in Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. Bergen County Camera was happy to present Table to Table a check for $770. Take a look at the top entries here.

Don Parenta & Tom Gramegna
Don Parenta & Tom Gramegna