We had some fun indoors after a recent Saturday Focus Session photographing cactus and flowers setup around the store.

Bergen County Camera news, events, products, helpful photographic tips and suggestions
Join Bergen County Camera and Olympus Trailblazer Frank Smith for a photo excursion to Longwood Gardens in Kennet Square, PA. Longwood Gardens is considered to be the World’s premier horticultural display garden.
The beautiful 1050 acre site features 20 outdoor gardens, 20 indoor gardens, spectacular fountains, and 11,000 different types of plants. Our trip is planned during the Garden’s Spring Blooms. With dogwoods, magnolias, wisterias, azaleas, foam-flowers, and more than 240,000 tulips, Spring Blooms creates a symphony of color like no other season. BCC staff will be available to assist you with your photography throughout the day. Tickets are $99 each and include pre trip class, transportation, admission and Saturday Focus Session Trip Review. We also have a full Macro Photography class scheduled for April 25th if you want to improve your skills before the trip. $50
Photography is my passion – both in taking the pictures as well as the post pro-cessing techniques that I use. I am an experienced traveler having had the op-portunity to photograph in places around the world. As a native of the northeast, I also enjoy the local scenery of the Pocono Mountains or urban decay and iconic subjects as well as historical sites such as the former Bethlehem Steel factory in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. My portfolio is diverse.
I use the Olympus Micro Four Thirds system. My workhorses are the Pro OM-D EM-1 Mark II and the EM-5 Mark II. I use the OM-D EM-10 Mark II for road trav-el and family events. I use a variety of different lenses based on the camera and type of shooting I am doing. My attraction with Olympus is two-fold; first the camera and lens quality and second, the weight and size. My post processing is done with Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop CC, and various plug-ins.
I am a member of the Olympus Visionary Program. Olympus Visionaries are es-tablished, award-winning professional photographers who travel the world with Olympus products to capture life’s beauty and splendor. The elite members of the program include several Pulitzer Prize–winning photographers, as well as artists whose careers have included assignments around the globe. Frank Smith Olym-pus Trailblazer
I believe photography is a constantly changing art form and as such I try to stay current by teaching workshops & classes every year. I exhibit my work in various galleries. Some of my recent exhibits include “Atacama – A Lunar Landscape”, “Near and Far” an 8 year compilation of India; “Bhutan – The Land of the Thunder Dragon”; “Allentown State Hospital – A Different View” and “The Birth of a Na-tion- South Sudan”. My work can be seen on my website at www.franksmithphotos.com or on my blog where I post my up to date work regu-larly at www.franktsmith.wordpress.com/. You can also follow me on Facebook. I was also published in Outdoor Photography (December 2013) and presented a Ted Talk in 2013 titled Looking thru the Lens -Vocation vs. Avocation. In November 2015, PBS did the following interview with me.
Join us on April 15th from 6:30 PM until 9:30 PM for a night of photography at the Westwood Community Center. Bergen County Camera staff will be there to teach you how to take better photos in a variety of different situations including indoor basketball, indoor soccer, portraits, macro, and more. Several photo opportunities will be set up and different Canon cameras and lenses will be available for you to try. Find out which cameras, lenses, and accessories work best for your needs. Tickets are $50.00.
Focus sessions are free and take place in the Westwood store from 9:30 am – 10 am. All sessions will allow for questions and answers. Please bring your camera and any images along that you have questions about. Feel free to use the comment option to make suggestions for future focus sessions.
Hit the “Like Button” to let your friends know. Have suggestions for future focus sessions? Feel free to leave a comment. (Comments actually work now!)
January 4 – Manual Settings
January 11 – Macro Photography
January 18 – Shooting Indoor Basketball
January 25 – Consumer Electronics Show Roundup
February 1 – Depth of Field
February 8 – Metering / Focus Marks – Which to Use
February 15 – Photoshop vs. Lightroom
February 22 – Mat Your Photos
These are free events – bring a friend along if you’d like. Share with your friends on Facebook – Click the Like button below. Hope you can join us!
Focus sessions are free and take place in the Westwood store from 9:30 – 10 am and our Englewood location from 10:30 am – 11:00 am. All sessions will allow for question and answers. Please bring your camera and any images along that you have questions about.
April 9 – Learn all about Micro 4/3s cameras then visit us for Olympus demo day in Westwood from 10 am – 4 pm
April 16 – Show us your Photos – Critique – please bring 2 – 3 images for an honest appraisal of your images and how to make them better. (printed photos only – no digital files please)
April 23 – Portraits with your Flash
April 30 – Landscape Photography
May 7 – Outdoor Sports Photography
May 14 – Photography at a Botanical Garden – a great preparation for our Longwood Gardens Trip on May 15
May 21 – Sensor Cleaning How to – Learn what’s needed to clean your sensor. This is a great skill to have as dust always happens when your are least prepared!
May 28 – Get Steady – Monopods and Tripods
These are free events – be sure to bring a friend along if you’d like.