Join Bergen County Camera on Sunday, June 1, 2014, for a bus excursion from our store in Westwood to the world famous Bronx Zoo. The Bronx Zoo is the largest metropolitan zoo in the nation, with more than 6,000 animals and many award-winning exhibits. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to capture some stunning images of the large array of wild creatures. BCC staff will be available to assist you with your photography throughout the day.
BCC will open for a half hour before the 9:00am bus departure for coffee, bagels and any last minute photography needs. Tickets are $129.99 each and cover a pre-trip class on wildlife photography, round trip bus transportation, admission and lunch. The bus will leave about 4:30pm with a scheduled arrival of 6:00pm back at the store.
There will be a pre-trip lecture on wildlife photography in our Westwood store on Monday, May 19, 2014 from 7-8pm. The lecture will cover the layout and rules of the Bronx Zoo, tips for getting the best photos through glass, the best times to visit each exhibit and lots of other helpful information to get the most out of your time at the zoo.
Special Note: Tripods are not permitted in the Butterfly Zone and the Children’s Zoo. In Congo Gorilla Forest, tripods are not permitted in the Gorilla Tunnel area and in the front area of the Great Gorilla Gallery. Tripods may also be restricted in other Zoo exhibits, at the discretion of Zoo staff.