We’re pleased to announce our latest photo assignment, “No Excuses in the Studio”! This is the first BCC assignment given by long time customers and friends of the store, John Kingston and Joe DiCara. If you missed the presentation, check out the details below!

The Assignment, if you choose to accept it… is to take something ordinary and change the way you see it! Take an everyday object and photograph it in a new and creative way, making use of whatever tools and techniques you have available in your home “studio”.
- – Develop a plan on how to get that image in your head
- – Write or sketch out your approach
- – Use anything you available in your studio (lighting, smoke/atmosphere, water, pyrotechnics, etc.)
- – Have fun with it!
- – Images must be taken between April 20th and May 14th of 2024.
- – You may submit one image.
- – We ask that you bring a physical copy of your plans to the review if you have them written down.
- – Your image(s) are due Friday, May 24th by 12:00pm (noon). Please email submissions to focus@bergencountycamera.com
- – Please have your images sized no smaller than 3000 pixels wide/tall in JPEG format
The review session will be held in-store on Saturday, May 25th at 9:30am. Doors open at 9:00 for coffee! As with all of our past Focus Session Assignments, this is a chance to get creative and try new things. We’re not grading you, so have have fun with it. We can’t wait to see what you capture!