Below you will find the images along with the photographer’s name. Below all the photos is the assignments that were chosen. Lots of great images with many pushing to learn new techniques in the process. Great assignment everyone! As always, let us know if you have any questions about anything photographic. We’ll have our new assignment ready to go in about a month — details to follow.
Winter Self-Assignment

Winter Assignment Participant List
1 Brian J / Exploring Macro Photography
I love the freedom of the Winter Assignment. One of my goals this year is to dive deeper into a skill or type of photography. That’s why I recently purchased the Nikon 105z Macro lens. I will use the lens in this assignment to capture nature in a way not possible with a non-macro lens. I don’t know the subject, but that’s part of the adventure.
Here’s my “Winter Assignment” Focus Session image.
My goal was to capture an image possible only with a macro lens. I made a lot of mistakes but learned about the lens and focus stacking. This image is composed of 100 shots combined in Helicon Focus. The inside of the orchid is so small, you can’t fully appreciate the detail until you see it through a macro lens.
f/5, 1/125 sec, 64 ISO with a Nikon 105Z Macro
2 John D Photographing A Flower
I have assigned myself to take a photo of a flower.
3 Joan T Windows
Attached is my photo assignment. I decided to take photos of windows. The photo is of windows taken on a factory building in which my Mother worked making airplane parts during World War II. I wondered what she saw as she looked out the windows while constructing the parts. I decided to move away from water, flowers, landscape and the usual. My topic for the assignment is Windows. There are so many different types…especially those architecturally found in older cities.
It forces me to look and analyze the subject differently.
4 Rob G “Signs” of the Times
Theme Topic: “Signs” of the Times
Attached is my Submission for “Signs” of the Times
The Signs of the Times indicating an early Spring by way of this beautiful winter skyline and the warmer temperatures.
5 Willa R Macro w/Extension Tube
Hi. My plan is to attempt a macro photo using an extension tube and hopefully some focus stacking. I don’t know the subject yet, but it’s something I want to try for the first time.
6 Terri P Pond with “No Ice Skating” Sign
For the winter photoshoot, I am proposing a shot of a pond with a “no ice skating” sign. As it happens I saw this while walking through our local park.
7 Craig L People Portraits Available Light
People portraits in available light
Image Info: Available light ISO 2000 24-70 f2.8 aperture priority
8 Steve S Nature-Wildlife
Piermont pier
Z9 w/400mm 1.4x extender
Canvasback duck
Nature/Wildlife, naturally.
Steve Seyboth
9 Paul F NYC Street Photos
Life on the Streets of NYC….
10 John K In-camera multiple exposures
My assignment topic is Multiple Exposure (in camera).
This composite starts with a 2-shot multiple exposure of the Mario Cuomo bridge, shot at night on Presidents day; thus the red, white, and blue colors. After the first shot, I rotated the camera and took a second shot. Those 2 shots were combined in the camera using the Average blending mode, giving each exposures half the density, which works nicely at night. The final image coming out of the camera is a single jpeg. In Photoshop that jpeg was duplicated and reflected producing the panorama you see here.
11 Pat I Sandy Hook
Topic Sandy Hook.
Total novice here looking to up my game. Picking up my camera again (I’ve been doing lots of pottery and need to take a break) Ok for a rookie submission to the assignment going on now?
12 Mike O Whales
Image(s) Info: I picked Whales as my subject since winter means whales in Hawaii and I had a day trip planned to Maui on President’s Day. Lahaina is one of the world’s centers for humpback whale breeding. We took a boat out and I happened to get really lucky on this shot. I was shooting with a 40-150mm on an Olympus OM-D EM1. I walked to the back of the boat and realized this whale was just starting to breech. I didn’t have time to put the camera up to my eye and just pointed and started shooting. I even got the horizon pretty level – that kind of stuff never works for me without looking at the viewfinder. This particular image was shot at 55mm. It’s heavily cropped (about 30% of the original image linearly). The jpeg is the image that I’m submitting but I also included an animated gif of 3 pictures of the same breech in case you’re interested in the whole breech.
13 Rich D Shoot like film 24 images, 55mm lens. FX Sony
Shooting as if using a film camera. I used a 35mm lens on a full frame instead of the 55mm. I took 24 shots at Tybee Island Pier last Thursday, 3/2/23, and chose this as the best. I’d like to shoot as if I’m using a film camera. I will shoot only 24 images, all on a 55mm lens on a full frame Sony. I will convert all to B&W and choose the best for the assignment.
14 Anthony S Fences
Hi, I have attached my photo (Fences) for submittal as required for the last online session. This is the first photo I have taken with this newly acquired camera, which I am still trying to learn. I consider myself a beginner. The photo was taken with the following specs: Fuji X-T30II, with XC 15-45mm kit lens 3.5-5.6, on auto, with landscape scene chosen
6240 x 4160 pixels
ISO 320, 63mm 1 ev, f5.6, 1/88s.
Thank you and I look froward to more sessions with Bergen camera as I get more proficient with this camera.
Please see attached.
15 Patricia L Reflection
Winter reflections:
My assignment subject is Reflection
16 Elaine M Symmetry
The subject of my new assignment will be Symmetry.
17 Penny P ICM {Intentional Camera Movement}
I’ve given it much thought regarding the assignment. I always view your assignments, Paul, as a way for me to try something different and reach out of my comfort zone. While I appreciate that ICM is not a form of photography that everyone appreciates or other photographers love doing, I am fascinated by it. I have joined a Facebook Group created by ICM Photography Magazine. Some of the images that people post are incredible. While many of the images are simple as vertical sweeps, others are multiple exposures done in-camera. The results are amazing, at least to me. Sony does not offer in-camera multiple exposure as an option. To do an ICM multiple exposure would require me to take two single ICM exposures and then blend them in post processing. I’ve done this once and have loved the result. My goal for the assignment is to do just that. Take two single ICM exposures, then blend them in post processing.
Please find attached my assignment submission. The story behind this image: I have recently become fascinated by ICM and not just by single exposure ICM, but multiple exposure ICM. As I mentioned when I submitted my proposal for this assignment, I have never done anything like this before, but follow a FB group called ICM Photo Magazine. There are a collection of some very experienced photographers who create some amazing art in the world of multiple exposure ICM. Every 6 months or so, my photography goal is to try and learn something new. While I get that the normal human does not understand or appreciate ICM and even lots of photographers don’t prefer doing this, it is providing me with a new way to view the world. The image I have submitted was taken at Historic New Bridge Landing and is a blending in post processing of two single exposure ICM images. Unlike other camera manufacturers, Sony does not offer a feature for multiple exposures in camera. One image was created by doing a vertical sweep and the other a horizontal sweep. I then blended them in Luminar 4 and did some creative post processing. I shot in shutter priority. Shutter speed was 1/8 sec. Aperture f/13 and ISO 100. My exposure compensation was -0.3. I have been doing quite a few of these lately, but I loved the result and composition of this particular one.
18 Linda P Morris County Image
Since I moved to Morris County about
1-1/2 years ago, I think I’d like to do a long term project on images of Morris County. Is that too broad a topic?
Please let me know.
19 Madelyn G Macro
I am assigning myself macro photography.
22 Joseph C Macro of non-typical objects
As a new member of the BCC community, thanks for putting together the learning series and assignments.
My focus is on macros of specific details of non-typical objects. For example, instead of the entire object, I focus on a particular detail within the object. Often these features mimic things we see in photos with wider perspectives. For my assignment, I will take a macro of a detail from a guitar. The attached photo is one I took handheld to give an idea of the depth I try to capture.
I look forward to making my submission and seeing everyone’s work!
23 Mark T Low Light HS sports images (John Currens inspire)
My assignment topic is inspired by John Currens’ Army basketball photos. I’ve been shooting in high school gyms where the lights are not the brightest while trying to capture fast movements. I don’t know how to title it: “Fast movement in low lighting” or “Sports Photography”
24 Nancy P Textures
I am choosing my winter assignment to be “Textures”
27 Drew K Macro
Macro Photography
Camera settings f8 1/13s ISO 100
28 Reed G Street Photography
Street Photography
Indiana Jones was famous for his statement in “Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade” when he told his students “X never EVER marks the spot”. Well, this gull would beg to differ. Image taken at the very last minute on March 4 at 4:59:07 according to the metadata. Parking lot of Rock Harbor in Orleans, MA. Fujifilm X-T5 with the Fujflm XF 50-140 lens. Tones adjusted in Capture One. And yes, the gull was on one leg. Not photoshop here.
29 Barbara S “Jumpers”
I am in Southern California for the winter; it is a time when the Desert Circuit International Horse Competition takes place weekly over a four month period. A couple years ago I started shooting “Hunters” and have now moved on to “Jumpers”. Last week was a Grand Prix event, 1st prize $226K…the USA won! Although this rider didn’t win, I was struck by the focus of both her and her horse.
30 Gregory R Sandy Hook Sunrise and/or wildlife
I am going to shoot Sandy Hook to shoot a sunrise and/or wildlife (Birds, deer, seals, fox if I’m lucky!)
31 Janet D NYC
New York City
32 Philip B Teaneck Creek Conservancy Landscape
I was attracted to the texture, colors, and positioning of the elements (branches, foreground stone with snow, etc.) on the wall seen from the Great Falls parking lot. The snow brought a feature that added to but would also be short-lived in comparison to the other elements. I wonder if the image would be stronger if some of the hanging branches were removed? Hello all. For this assignment, I would like to send a landscape photo taken at Teaneck Creek Conservancy.
33 Cathy M Birds
For my assignment, I will be taking pictures of birds
Attached is my photo of a Falcón for the assignment
The picture was taken at State Line Lookout
I used my 100 to 400 Leica lens
34 Bill N Using Live Composite Mode
For my assignment i am going to produce an image using the “Live Composite Mode” feature on my camera.
This will be a real challenge as I have never used the feature before. I believe I have a good resource that shows the steps to take & all the images that he produced. Thanks for the challenge. Looking forward to seeing the final image presented on March 11th.
35 Lorraine N Best Photo She Comes Across
I’ve been away and haven’t had sufficient time to think this through, so my subject for the photo assignment will be the best photo I stumble on.
This is a multiple exposure, 2 shots in camera, of the Tappan Zee…my first outing doing multiple exposures.
36 Joe D Crystal Ball
My assignment topic is “crystal ball”
CRYSTAL BALL – Capturing a Sunset in the Garage
I selected “Crystal Ball” as an assignment because I purchased one from BCC over a year ago and have not used it since and thought it would be a good assignment to force me to use it in a creative way.
Now what to do with it!
As most of you know, the first thing I do is to visualize the final image and then plan out the shoot including a quick sketch on how I need to set it up. I also try to estimate all the camera settings that I feel will get the results I’m looking for. I do this because It makes you think about what your equipment can do. The plan was to Capture a Vibrant Sunset World in the garage.
Now the hard part … how do I do this? (see attached sketch of my planned approach.)
I used a plywood base painted black with a black foam core board as a backdrop. The crystal ball was supported on a gravel base and I used a speedlight behind a shutter (camera left) to create interesting shadow lines. In order to get the desired image I used a mini projector in the back of the crystal ball and used a product called “Atmosphere in a can” that created a fog type cloud. (Note: don’t spray this directly on your equipment). The rear projector casts its image both on the cloud and on the back of the crystal ball to get both a sharp clear image in the ball and a diffused color cloud surrounding it. Note: the image must be upside down.) The fog also created interesting shadows in the foreground from the speedlight.
Canon R5, ISO 100, shutter 1/450, Sigma 85mm prime at f1.4, Speedlight manual setting at ¼ power and high speed sync.
Note: The submitted image is out of camera, no photoshop except for cropping and adding a signature.
If you do not want to show the sketch of the set-up it is ok. I thought it would be interesting for everyone. It’s your call.
37 Steve B Moody Landscape
Moody Landscape. Harriman?
38 Thomas J Macro
Some thing Macro, not clear as to what I will find and there is the challenge! Since this had turned into a learning experience, and I want to share the experience. and have included some auxiliary files in support Paul is always looking for a script for his presentation and a story behind the picture At times he fumbles with the paper and I believe he is need of a new set of readers. I am providing a script with embedded pictures of the journey. In MS Word and Adobe PDF
A large print copy without pictures of the script. In MS Word and Adobe PDF to compensate for the readers!
My file for submission My Fourth Focus Stack.jpg A Mind Plant this is my one photo submission
40 Joe D Landscape or Seascape
Taken with Fujifilm X-T4; Image was bracketed and combined in post processing; 3 images, aperture 1sec. intervals. Image taken at Alpine Landing behind the Kearney House!
41 Valentina Y Macro
Attached is my winter macro assignment. White Daisy.
The image was taken in a total darkness environment by light painting
Nikon 105mm 0.5 sec F22 ISO 320
Exploring new subjects and techniques are super fun!
I loved the idea for this assignment you came up with!
Here is mine self assignment idea to work on: -Macro Photography
Looking forward to it
42 Glenn S Flower Macro
This photo was taken at the CT flower show which is becoming an annual ritual for me now. The objective is to explore Macro photography and utilizing focus bracketing and stacking. I have resisted for years to make edits of any kind utilizing software, but I have subjected myself to the dark side. I am a computer geek and am taking Toms comments @6:53m “think about it in a larger sense, maybe this is the beginning of something that’s gonna become a long project or a life long project” to heart. This photo is using the new Olympus 90mm macro lens (purchased at BCC) for the first day of use, and my first computer enhanced photo. 45 images were stacked to get all elements in focus. I left the distraction of the plant in the background only to illustrate the focus stacking capability.
43 Joanne K “Thanks to my new long lens”
“Thanks to my new long lens” is my topic.
My topic is to make me get out there and take a photo that would not be possible without my new 100-400mm Olympus lens which, with my 1.4 teleconverter, gives me an equivalent focal length of 1120mm. I bought it, now show yourself that you can do something with it!!
My topic was “Thanks to my new long lens”. Shot with my Olympus 100-400 plus my 1.4 teleconverter. Focal length was 334mm which on a micro four thirds camera with the teleconverter is equivalent to 935mm.
Taken at Barnegat Lighthouse LBI. ISO 1000, f9, 1/640 on burst mode.
44 Rich C Things Sat Upon
Chairs, stools and etc. things that are sat upon
45 Bob S Cool picture of a road
Found myself on vacation, kind of “off road.”
It is a “phone-y” photo.
I would like to eliminate the half person in post. Cannot do it from here.
(Won’t be able to make the review session, so say what you wish!)
I assume that you can adapt several of these self-assignments for use by the whole group in coming months.
Make a cool picture of a road. A nice picture, a good photograph.
Maybe an “S” curve. Try it with and without a car(s), if possible to do safely. The road itself should be a key element in the composition.
47 Daniel F Street Photography Image through a window
(He sent an image but no description)
48 Barry L Blood Beaver Lunar Eclipse
15 photo composite shot over a 3 hour time period
49 Susan L Tierra Verde Bridge
Thank you for today’s floral presentation. I submit my picture of the Tierra Verde bridge
ISO 100, F11, 20 seconds at 123mm
Canon 6D, 100-300mm F5.6L
50 Keli D
It has been a long time since I really experimented with doing a set-up shot. I have played around with using flash on dripping or falling water but with this, I wanted to go beyond what my light meter said and play around with the exposure. This image has some stop action and some blur, the abstract aspect of it appealed to me. In retrospect, I would have had a darker back ground. I did this in my driveway and the “base” the water is falling on is a large rock with a depression on the top so the water would pool on it.
Exposure f 4.0 1/200 ISO 100 with a Tamron 60mm DI II Macro