November Customer Spotlight – Lorraine Nelson

Lorraine Nelson

Welcome to our twenty-fourth Bergen County Camera Customer Spotlight. This monthly posting features a customer who’s made an impression on us. They might have grown in their understanding of photography, gained a mastery of the craft and / or have become a strong advocate of our way of doing business in the world of photography. During the next month you will see this customer’s images displayed on our digital signs in store, in our emails, blog posts and social media.  

Lorraine Nelson is our customer spotlight for the month of November. We hope you both enjoy and are inspired by this new addition to In Focus and look forward to your comments and suggestions. Below you will find a word from Lorraine, followed by some of her images in the gallery below.

Bergen County Camera has given me the gift of photography.
Sure, I’d taken pictures since I was a child with my first bakelite Brownie camera.  I knew how to load the film, take the picture, advance the film, and then rewind it to send for developing.  And after digital cameras came along, I didn’t even need that knowledge…it was simply point and shoot.  And that’s where I was when I attended my first Saturday morning focus session.  I didn’t know an ISO from a UFO, but I was eager to learn.

Over the years, I’ve received a photography education I never would have had were it not for those Saturday morning sessions and continuing support from BCC and group members, many of whom are highly skilled and trained photographers eagerly sharing their knowledge.  What a wonderful group we have!

In these extraordinary times, when we’re limited in where we can go and what we can do, I’ve managed to keep myself entertained by seeing each day as an adventure.  I choose a lens, select a destination, and search for those photos that are out in the world, free for the taking.  I scour the countryside with a vague idea of what I’m looking for but, usually, wind up discovering something totally different.  It’s a treasure hunt…and that’s what makes it fun.  I just have to find the amazing shot.

As a theme, I’ve chosen to show photos that were taken during the pandemic and, mostly, within a 10 mile radius of home.  Wanting to take advantage of each day, I even ventured out in the rain and found some remarkable sights.

And now, how delightful that BCC deems my photos worthy of recognition.  Hopefully, this means I’m getting closer to having the “it”.    The “it” is what my photographs lacked, according to Tom’s critiques.  Several times, when looking at my photos, he said there was something there,  but that’s not “it”.  There is still much to learn, and I look forward to continuing my journey in search of the “it”.
I’m so thankful to the Bergen County Camera team for giving me such a wonderful gift…priceless! 


View Lorraine’s Photos Below:

One thought on “November Customer Spotlight – Lorraine Nelson

  • November 13, 2020 at 1:55 pm

    Beautiful images; especially like the B&W images.

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