Use this time at home to finally tackle those stacks of photos, albums and home movies. Demonstrate the importance of documenting family history. Use these timeless images and memorabilia to tell your kids stories about your childhood and the generations before you. Reminisce with them over photos of their own special moments.

These memories are too precious to lose. Now is a great time to organize and prepare your memories for digitizing.
Check out our video for safe storage tips and helpful information.
Ready to get started? Our store may be closed, but we’re still here to help! Purchase one of our Gather Boxes and we’ll ship it to you for FREE! Plus, get a FREE 15 minute online consultation with one of our imaging experts! We’ll answer any questions you may have about your project and help you preserve your family’s history.

Take this time to organize your family memories and fill the box with items you would like to digitize. Ship us the box and we’ll start digitizing your memories today! Or, hold onto the box and we’ll notify you as soon as we’re accepting drop off or walk-in business.