Dean Cobin – “Night Lights” Opening Reception June 16 – 7pm

You are cordially invited to an opening reception on June 16 from 7 pm – 9 pm, light refreshments will be served. Everyone is welcome.

Despite the “amateur” status due Dean Cobin since he does not earn his living from his passionate pursuit of photography, one would be hard pressed to find anything remotely amateur about his process and approach to photography.  Completely self taught, there is nothing that could be recognized as anything less than complete dedication to the highest ideals of the historic masters and their present day peers he emulates. He pursues mindful photography because it’s a deeply felt, integral part of the man he is.

“Photography is my passion, a labor of love, and a vision to share with the world. It is a moment in time captured forever; an image recorded as a part of history living on for eternity.“

Others in the world of photography have recognized Dean’s special talent for capturing a bit of “eternity now” by publishing and bestowing numerous awards for his work. The roster includes a virtual list of the most respected names in photography like Outdoor Photographer, Adirondack Life, National Geographic’s Your Shot and the UK’s Digital Photographer.

Shooting the aurora borealis was a quest that had long captivated Dean. It took his third trip to Yellowknife, Canada to be able to realize the phenomena as he had seen it in his mind’s eye. The appearance of the aurora is never a guarantee due to their quixotic nature. Add in the adverse and fickle weather conditions in a harsh environment with the temperature routinely at forty below and you have a better understanding as to why it took three trips, lots of groundwork and a bit of luck to realize the images for Night Light.

In addition, this photographer’s heart is as big as his talent. His proceeds from the sale of his work for Night Lights will go to the #1 rated Charity in NJ,*Table To Table. More of Dean Cobin’s work can be seen at

One thought on “Dean Cobin – “Night Lights” Opening Reception June 16 – 7pm

  • June 16, 2016 at 12:42 pm

    Excellent newsletter and information
    Keep them coming

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