Introducing the Memory Mash-Up


You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. And you’ll want to hit play again and again.

With technology changing the format in which we store our memories, Memory Mash-Up provides a modern solution for all of your favorite moments. Easily blend pictures, videos and a variety of media right off of your phone or computer to make a product you’ll enjoy for years to come. Have old photos or videos from years ago? Not a problem – bring them in to be digitized before the Mash is created.


What is a Memory Mash-Up?

It’s a collection – a virtual mix tape with various photos, video clips and digital files mashed into one amazing mini-movie.

Because the Memory Mash-Up has such an emotional experience – it makes a great gift or celebratory keepsake. Here are just a few of the ways people are using it:

-Year in review
-Instagram Feed
-Family Heritage
-Company History

To create your own Memory Mash-Up bring your photos and videos into Bergen County Camera and one of our imaging experts will help you get started.  If you have any questions about this exciting new service feel free to call 201-664-4113 or email. What are  your thoughts on the Memory Mash-Up?  Let us know in the comments section below.

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