Adobe Labs is currently beta testing Adobe Camera Raw Release Candidate version 6.1 to accommodate Photoshop CS5 and several newer digital cameras. This is an Adobe Labs beta product so there can be some issues but for someone who’s just purchased a new camera without current Adobe Camera Raw support, you may want to give it a try. Rest assured though a full tested version will be released soon. If you’d like to try the beta software visit the Adobe Labs Camera Raw page for this download. Please feel free to offer you feedback on this beta product by using the link from the Adobe Labs Camera Raw page listed above.
New lens based distortion correction for geometric distortions, chromatic aberration and lens vignette effects. Includes full manual as well as the abiltiy to create your own automatic lens profiles with the free Adobe Lens Profile Creator. This tool can be a real time saver when corrections for common lens errors can be automatically applied based on image EXIF informaiton. Lens Profile Creator looks a bit complicated so I’ll post someting more once I have had a chance to experiment.
Newly supported camera models include: