Covid-19 Update – March 2020

In light of the unprecedented developments posed by COVID-19, we want to share with our community the steps we’re taking during this challenging time to try and remain at your service and simultaneously insure the safety of our clients and staff. We’ve seen and risen to many challenges in our forty years of service to our greater community and it’s together that we’ll overcome this challenge and resume our full schedule of activities when conditions permit.

To insure all remain healthy, comfortable and to limit the spread of Covid-19, we’re enacting the following protocols until further notice:

Store Environment:

Demo cameras and rental cameras will be wiped with isopropyl alcohol at regular intervals.

We will be cleaning all touch surfaces on a regular basis

We will follow best practices for social distancing with no handshakes or close personal contact.

Employees will be required to wash hands frequently and always after customer interactions.

Events and Gathering:

All classes have been cancelled

All focus sessions have been cancelled

Trips and Meetup planning has been put on hold.

As a company, we are asking any employee not feeling well to stay home and rest. We ask the same of our customers. While visiting our retail store, if you need to cough or sneeze, please cover your mouth and nose with a tissue, or your upper sleeve.

Visit the CDC’s Cornavirus page to stay up-to-date on the latest news and hygiene tips to keep yourself and others safe.

We will update everyone with revisions to our protocols if future travel and/or social gathering restrictions are enacted.

We have been closely monitoring and will continue to follow the recommendations of the WHO, the CDC and local Bergen County and Westwood government agencies .

We continue to operate under their guidance and recommendations.  With the protocols we are taking, our store is safe and will remain open for business. We’re here in person, over the phone and on the web for processing online orders.

We recognize this is a time of uncertainty and unease and we wish for everyone in the community to stay safe. We trust that in our solidarity there is great strength. At the core of this company’s purpose is a desire for service , and we take it to heart in good times and especially during challenging times.

Thank you for your continued support and trust in Bergen County Camera, we’re always at your service!

Tom and Bob Gramegna

and the entire staff at

Bergen County Camera

Leica Boutique Bergen County

Gallery 270

2 thoughts on “Covid-19 Update – March 2020

  • March 12, 2020 at 3:47 pm

    Stay safe my BCC friends.

  • March 20, 2020 at 8:17 pm

    Hey Camera Folk,
    Now is the time to record this, empty stores and streets, you are living a historical moment to be shared for generations regardless of political fallout. Previous photographers who have recorded such history occupy books in my library.
    Bruce Albert “Camera Man”

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