Portrait Tips from a BCC Pro!

What is the key to great Backgrounds for Portraits?

Photo Courtesy of Jeremy Lebled

What is the key to great backgrounds for portraits you ask? Honestly its pretty simple! The key is “less is more” and to “keep it simple”. With Portraits you want to have as few distractions from the background as possible. When you have distractions and a bunch of clutter behind your subject it will take away from the photo rather than adding to it. To make a strong portrait you do not want to distract the viewer and take away the focus on your subject. So try placing your subject on a simple, uncluttered background from the start. If that is not possible. I would suggest to either remove as much as you can from the background. Or if you are outside try to position yourself and angle your camera in different angles so you do not get random people walking in the background and so forth. Another thing that helps when you are shooting around other people outside is to shoot with a telephoto/prime lens that has a fast aperture. That will help compress and completely blur out anyone or anything in the background. So lets recap! The key to great backgrounds is “less is more” and “keep it simple”. This will immensely help your chances of getting “the shot”. Which we all love getting! Keep shooting and stay safe.

Till next time..

All my best,

Jeremy Lebled – Bergen County Camera Specialist

Leica Boutique Champagne Preview Thursday December 13

Join us for a champagne preview or our new Leica Boutique, Thursday, December 13th, 7 pm – 9 pm

Leica Boutique at Bergen County Camera

Our grand ribbon cutting is scheduled for the spring, but we are so proud and excited about our new Leica Boutique that we wanted to invite our special friends for some Holiday Cheer and celebration now! We want to thank you for making us one of the country’s leading Leica Dealers for over three decades, so we’d be honored for you to join us for a Champagne Preview party celebrating this special moment. Thursday, December 13th from 7 pm – 9 pm.

Join Bergen County Camera’s staff and Leica’s Jim Wagner will be on hand to fill your glasses with champagne and answer any questions about the latest and vintage Leica products especially the wealth of newly announced products from Photokina. No need to RSVP, sparkling beverages and savories will be served.